一個月不出遊,頭頂都要長香菇啦。最後屁屁羊說就騎機車上司馬庫斯吧,地圖上看起來沒有很遠~果然代誌不是憨人所想,根據網路上的資料和 google map 的查詢,我跟屁屁羊說,我想這十年的100機車,能騎到哪就哪吧,雖然網路上有人說110公斤雙載可以上去,但人家是新車,而且我們也超過110公斤阿 (掩面~)

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What a relief, finally!

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  • May 13 Wed 2015 01:16
  • 人生


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No matter how it was, I still get what I maybe want. I'm not pretty sure of what it is going to be but I should always keep in mind, things I have learnt in that summer. Don't lose faith, don't look back, but keep going ahead, try hard to do anything I would like to do. It is so precious to have the second chance, although it is not exactly the same as the old one. However, do not feel stressful and just enjoy the beauty of it. Make a fresh start from now on! Smile to the world and it will welcome me either.

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眉毛 + 嘴唇

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作者:Noelle Hancock (諾艾兒.漢考克)

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2015.03.01 Day 1

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