accentuated (adj.):強調的、加強的
accountable (adj.):負責任的
Unfortunately, people are often not accountable for their actions.
apportioned (adj.):分派的、指派的
colleague (n.):同事
ecstatic (adj.):令人狂喜的
The partners were ecstatic when they sold their company for ten times as much as they paid for it.
frantic (adj.): 狂亂的、發瘋的
livid (adj.):蒼白的、瘀血的
It seems like an opportune time to sell the business.
opportunist (n.): 機會主義者、投機者
opportunity (n.): 機會
panicky (adj.):易恐慌的
portfolio (n.):個人作品集
refute (v.): 反駁、駁斥
The board of directors voted unanimously to approve the takeover bid.
approve the takeover bid:贊成收購價,指公司被買走。
uncooperative (adj.):不合作的
back out of something:退出~
It's already too late for you to back out of this deal.
cut back:減少
We're really going to have to cut back on our expenses if we want to turn a profit.
cut off : 使中斷、停止
cut out: 切去、刪除
file for bankruptcy:申請銀行破產
The business filed for bankruptcy less than a year after they opened their first store.
go over:瀏覽, the board of directors董事會
The presentation seemed to go over very well with the board of directors.
in charge of~ (prep.):負責~(某事物)
Mr. Hiroko has been in charge of hiring for the company for nearly a decade.
let's get down to....:急著把某事做完
It's getting late so let's get down to the business we need to talk about.
times of adversity:困境、逆境,
positive outlook:樂觀的展望
It's important that a positive outlook is maintained during times of adversity.
By the age of...:到了~歲
hold interviews:舉辦面試活動
profit margin:利潤空間
put one's eggs in one basket是形容把所有的風險都集中在一個地方,很危險之意。
set up a meeting:安排一場會議
share price(n.):股價
stock price(n.):股價
- May 23 Fri 2008 10:10
TOEIC 1-40